If you have a translated document and have doubts about the accuracy of the translation, we can help you. Send us the text and we will deliver you a detailed analysis along with a quotation. We assure you 100% accurate work without any mistakes in spelling or syntax.
It is possible that your text may contain several mistakes:
Terminology inconsistency: attached (anexo/conectado), bond(enlace/bono), breakdown (ruptura/segmentatión), etc.
Incoherent repetition, in other words, different translations for segments which are repeated in the original texts.
Spelling mistakes or syntactical errors.
We detect and correct them. We debug and refine your text for a professional outcome. Finally, we analyze potential cultural and linguistic confusions so that your project/product enters any market you wish without encountering any difficulties.
Try our services out for free (100 words), contact us.